Core Curriculum

Becoming Core Complete for Students Who Transfer to Collin College with 3, 6 or 7 credit hours of 030 Life and Physical Science Credits

All core courses in the 030 Life and Physical Sciences Component at Collin College earn four credit hours, which are distributed as three hours applied to the 6-credit hour requirement for the 030 Life and Physical Sciences Core Component, and one lab credit hour is applied to the 090 Collin Option Area 2 requirement.  There are several transfer scenarios for becoming core complete for the student who transfers in 3, 6, or 7 credit hours of Life and Physical Sciences.

If you transfer to Collin with one 3-credit hour Life and Physical Science course with a grade of D or better, three credit hours will be applied toward the 6-credit hour Life and Physical Sciences Core requirement.  You will need to take one additional Life and Physical Science Core course at Collin.

If you transfer in six or seven credit hours of Life and Physical Sciences with a grade of D or better, you will have met the 6-credit hour requirement for the 030 Life and Physical Sciences Core Component.

To meet the 6-credit hour requirement in the 090 Collin Option, all students who transfer to Collin with 3, 6 or 7 credit hours of Life and Physical Sciences Core coursework, will need to take or transfer in one 090 Collin Option Area 1 Speech course, and Area 2 PSYC 1300 in order to be Core complete in both the 030 Life and Physical Sciences Core Component and the 090 Collin Option.