Course Descriptions

When you look at the Course Description page you will see that each course is listed by Course Name, Course Title and Course Description. Here is an explanation of how these designations work.

Course Types

At the end of each Course Description is a letter indicating the course type.

(A)    indicates an academic transfer course that may apply to a baccalaureate degree.

(CE) indicates a Continuing Education course that may apply to training or meet  licensure and certification requirements for professional development

(D)    indicates a developmental pre-college course that does not apply to an associate degree or transfer.

(W)   indicates a workforce course that may not transfer or apply to a baccalaureate degree.

Technical or workforce courses are designated by a (W) at the end of their course description. Workforce courses provide an opportunity for students to obtain skills and knowledge needed for career exploration, licensure, and specific job qualifications.  Workforce courses do not always transfer or apply to academic degree programs at four-year colleges and universities.  Some programs have transfer or articulation agreements in place to facilitate the transfer of workforce credits. Check with an academic advisor or transfer institution for more information.

Course Names and Course Numbers

Course names and numbers contain useful information.  In the Texas Common Course Numbering System each course is identified by a four-character "rubric" (i.e. discipline abbreviation) and a 4-digit number:  The rubric is always four upper-case alphabetic characters. The first digit of the course number denotes the academic level of the course; the second digit denotes the credit value of the course in semester hours; and the third and fourth digits establish course sequencing and/or distinguish the course from others of the same level, credit value, and rubric. The course ACCT 2301 is used to illustrate this system. 

Course numbers beginning with zero (0)

Course numbers beginning with zero include developmental education, English as Second Language (ESL) courses, and study skills courses.  These courses prepare students to be successful in college-level work.  They are not college-level courses and therefore do not apply to college degrees or other awards, nor do they transfer. 

Course numbers beginning with one (1) or higher

Any course with a number that starts with a one (1) or higher is considered a college-level course.  Completion of a college-level course with a D or higher will earn college credit. 

 Earned Course Credit Hours

Credit hours are earned upon successful completion of college credit courses.  Each degree, certificate or award requires the completion of a specific number of credit hours.  The second digit in a course number indicates the number of credit hours earned upon successful completion of the course.