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Q: When can I start taking courses in the Weekend College?
Students can enroll in the Weekend College during the Fall, Spring or Summer sessions. However, the largest selection of courses is offered in the fall and spring semesters.

Q: Do I have to apply specifically to the Weekend College?
A: No! However, all students are required to apply for admission to Collin College. Students 18 years of age or older with a high school diploma or equivalent are eligible for admission. Visit the Admissions and Records Office website at or call 972.881.5710 for more information.

Q: Are there special tests that I have to take?
A: Collin College reserves the right to guide the placement of students which may include assessments, interviews and a review of past academic performance. For details, please contact Academic Advising at 972.881.5778 or

Q: Can I really earn a college degree by attending classes only on weekends?

Q: Is it true that I can complete an AA or AS degrees in two to three years by attending classes only on weekends?

Q. Where and when are Weekend College classes held?
A: The majority of the classes are held at the Spring Creek Campus, 2800 E. Spring Creek Parkway in Plano. Classes are scheduled on Friday evenings, Saturday mornings or afternoons, and Sunday afternoons.

Q: Can I combine Express, evening, and/or distance education or traditional courses with weekend courses?
A: Yes! Many students take their courses in different formats to enhance the flexibility and pace of course completion.

Q: Will there be a graduation ceremony?
A: Yes! All Collin College students who complete their degree requirements are eligible and encouraged to participate in commencement exercises.

Q: Can I apply for financial aid if I attend the Weekend College?
A: Yes! The College’s financial aid program provides assistance for students who might otherwise find it difficult or impossible to attend college. Financial aid is available through scholarships, grants, loans and employment. More information about financial aid is available on the College’s website at The Financial Aid Office can be reached at 972.881.5760 or

Q: What about scholarships?
A: Scholarship information is available through the Collin College Foundation’s website at The Collin College Foundation office can be reached at 972.599.3145.

Q: How much does the Weekend College cost?
A: Tuition and fees are the same as the regular session credit program. Most Weekend College courses also use the same textbooks as weekday credit courses. For more information, download the College catalog at

Q: Is there a New Student Orientation that I can attend?
A: Yes! For details call 972.377.1750, e-mail or visit


Office: 972.881.5801