Collin College recognizes that the collective efforts of all staff and faculty members contribute to the overall mission of the college and we strive to create an environment where employees feel valued and know their efforts are appreciated. Collin College has a number of formal recognition programs designed to acknowledge employees for their exemplary contributions and accomplishments.
Presidential Medallion
A medallion award-winning employee supports the mission and vision of the college,
has a passion for the core values, and also goes above and beyond in their role providing
leadership in their department or disciplines to provide support for our students
in achieving their educational goals.
Graduate Letter Recognitions
Collin College recognizes the faculty, staff, and administrators who have made a difference
in the lives of our Cougar graduates. This recognition takes place at All College
Recognition of Service and Excellence (ROSE) Awards
Collin College's ROSE Award recognizes consistent application of the college's core
values through service to the college, staff, students and/or public by Collin College
employees. The nomination and selection process is managed by the Staff Council.
Outstanding Professor of the Year Awards
Collin College's Outstanding Processor of the Year Award recognizes outstanding full-time
and adjunct faculty based on peer recommendation, division recommendation, student
evaluations and/or the public.
League Excellence Awards
Each year, Collin College participates in the League Excellence Awards, recognizing
outstanding faculty, staff, and leaders who have made a significant difference in
the lives of students and in the community.
NISOD Excellence Awards
NISOD’s Excellence Awards recognize men and women each year who have demonstrated
an outstanding commitment and contribution to their students and colleagues.
Service Anniversaries
Employee service anniversary awards are given for long-term service and loyalty to Collin College. Employees are formally recognized during ceremonies each fall after reaching five years of service and every five-year milestone after.
Random Acts of Core Values
Any employee may recognize an outstanding colleague who is living Collin College's core values through Staff Council's ongoing recognition program, the Random Acts of Core Values.
Informal Recognition
Many departments have their own informal recognition processes in place, and we encourage
individuals to recognize others with emails, thank-you notes, or other means of appreciation.
Learn more about these programs.
Please contact with questions.