Thousands of spectators lined the streets of downtown Farmersville the evening of Dec. 12 to take in the lights and sounds of the Farmersville Chamber of Commerce Dr. Seuss Christmas parade. Collin Police Officer Baeza put on a light show from his cruiser. Calvin Allison, outreach/recruiting mobile services specialist, had a truck full of smiling and waving riders, including Collin Cougar; Dr. Diana Hopes, Farmersville Campus executive dean; Teresa Ramos, admissions recruiter, with her fianc, Phillip Hernandez; and Dr. Jay Corwin, chief student success officer, with his family. Allison made all of the decorations for the Mobile Go truck and Ramos helped him decorate.

Dr. Jay Corwin and family and Collin Cougar.

Collin Police Officer Baeza, Dr. Diana Hopes, Teresa Ramos, and Calvin Allison.

Phillip Hernandez and Teresa Ramos

Collin College staff and Colin Cougar.

Colin Cougar waves from a truck during the parade.