Collin College Farmersville Campus to Host Annual Movie Night on the Lawn
March 08, 2024
Cougar News

The Collin College Farmersville Campus will host its annual Movie Night on the Lawn on March 23. Doors open at 7 p.m. and the movie begins at 8 p.m. The event is free and open to the public.
There will be free popcorn, candy, and water available. Food trucks will also be onsite for meal purchases. To RSVP for the event, visit
The Farmersville Campus is located at 501 S. Collin Parkway in Farmersville. If there is inclement weather, the date of the event will move to April 6.
Collin College serves more than 58,000 credit and continuing education students annually and offers more than 200 degrees and certificates, including a Bachelor of Science in Nursing (BSN), a Bachelor of Applied Technology (BAT) in Cybersecurity, a Bachelor of Applied Science (BAS) in Construction Management, and a new Bachelor of Applied Science (BAS) in Clinical Operations Management. The only public college based in Collin County, Collin College is a partner to business, government, and industry, providing customized training and workforce development. For more information, visit