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Small Business Certificate Series


Small Business Certificate Series

Do you have a great business idea but not quite sure how to get your small business started? The six-course Small Business Certificate Series training addresses the top areas you'll need to get started.

Complete the four core courses, then hone your skills in the area of your choice by taking two of the elective courses. Students must attend 90% of each class in the series to fulfill the certificate requirements and receive an institutional certificate.

Register for Courses


Course Registration and Requirements

Please note that continuing education courses may be updated at any time. Select a course from the list below to see if it is currently available.


Core Courses:

Elective Courses (Choose two of the elective courses)


Students who complete the Small Business Certificate Series will receive five (5) free hours of specialized business consulting with the Collin Small Business Development Center, including free in-depth market research reports.


Upon successful completion of all requirements, email to request your certificate. Please allow up to four (4) weeks to receive your certificate.


Contact us:


CE Information


CE Admissions/Registration