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Collin College Kicks Off Fall Dignity Initiative Series with Three Events in October

September 27, 2023

Cougar News

Logo for The Dignity Initiative

Collin College will kick off the fall Dignity Initiative series with three events in October. All events are free and open to the public. The Dignity Initiative is a district-wide effort organized by the Collin College Committee Against Gender Violence and Oppression to educate and provide action steps to end gender-based oppression.

The events planned for October are the following:

The RAD System of Self-Defense Presentation
Oct. 11, 5:30-6:45 p.m.
Celina Campus, Room 110
This event is only open to female attendees. 

Representatives from the Collin College Police Department and fitness centers will discuss personal safety and will preview self-defense techniques and equipment used in the Rape Aggression Defense Program offered at the college. Contact Jennifer Davis at jldavis@collin.edufor more information. 


International Gender-Based Violence Guest Speaker
Oct. 19, 2-3 p.m.
McKinney Campus, Room B108 

Amy Lawrence, The Turning Point outreach and training manager, will give a presentation on international gender-based violence and highlight the lessons and international approaches that can be applied within our community. Contact Monica Cubberly at10/26 or Salena Parker at for more information. 


What is Gender?

Panel discussion
Oct. 26, 3-4 p.m.
Plano Campus Living Legends Conference Center 

This panel will explore definitions of the term gender from multiple perspectives. Panelists will speak from their areas of expertise as well as from lived experiences. In the process, they will respectfully explore why gender can mean different things to different people. Contact Jules Sears at or Linda Sears at for more information.

For campus locations, visit For more information about The Dignity Initiative and future events, visit 

Collin College serves more than 57,000 credit and continuing education students annually and offers more than 200 degrees and certificates, including a Bachelor of Science in Nursing (BSN), a Bachelor of Applied Technology (BAT) in Cybersecurity, a Bachelor of Applied Science (BAS) in Construction Management, and a new Bachelor of Applied Science (BAS) in Clinical Operations Management. The only public college based in Collin County, Collin College is a partner to business, government, and industry, providing customized training and workforce development. For more information, visit