Libraries participating in the TexShare Card Program extend borrowing privileges to
each other's patrons in order for them to have access to materials not available at
their home institution.
Any current Collin College student, faculty, or staff member may obtain a TexShare
Library Card by presenting a current Collin College library card to a Reference Librarian.
Cardholders receive limited borrowing privileges at participating academic libraries.
Rules and limitations may vary among institutions. The borrower is responsible for
materials, fines and fees incurred. Go to your library's Reference Desk to obtain
a TexShare card or talk to your liaison librarian. In some cases Interlibrary Loan
may be a better choice than a TexShare card.
Student, part-time faculty and staff TexShare Cards expire at the end of the current
semester. Full-time faculty and staff cards expire at the end of the current academic
year and must be renewed annually.
Find out more about the TexShare Card Program.
Check to see if a library is in the Card Program
