Short-Term Military Leave
All employees of Collin College who are members of the state military forces or of the reserve components of the United States Armed Forces shall be granted a leave of absence from their duties without loss of Vacation Leave time, or salary on all days during which they are engaged in authorized training or duty ordered or authorized by proper authority, not to exceed 15 work days in any one fiscal year. Such employees who are ordered to duty shall be restored, when relieved of duty, to the position held by them when ordered to duty. Art. 5765, Sec. 7 & 7A, VATS.
Long-Term Military Leave
Any employee, other than a temporary employee, who leaves his position for the purpose of entering into active duty with the regular or reserve Armed Forces of the United States or with the Texas National Guard or Texas State Guard, if discharged, separated, or released from such active duty under honorable conditions within five years from the date of enlistment or call to active service, shall be restored to employment in the same position held at the time of induction, enlistment, or order into active service or to a position of like seniority, status and pay if the employee is physically and mentally qualified to perform the duties of such position.
If such employee is not qualified to perform the duties of his previous position by reason of disability sustained during such military service, but is qualified to perform the duties of another position with the college, the veteran shall be restored to employment in the other position which he is qualified to hold and which will provide like seniority, status, and pay, or the nearest approximation thereto.
Any employee restored to employment shall be considered to have been on leave of absence during military service and shall be entitled to participate in retirement and all other benefits available to other employees in like positions. Such employee shall not be dismissed from his position, without cause, for one year following restoration of employment.
Veterans eligible for restoration to employment under the terms of this policy shall make written application for such restoration to the president of the college within ninety (90) days after discharge or release from active federal or state military service and shall attach to such application evidence of discharge, separation, or release under honorable conditions. Art. 6252-4A VATS; Atty. Gen Op. H-244 (1974).
Military Leave Procedure
An employee who is a member of the state military forces or the reserve component of the United States Armed Forces should submit an Application for Leave form along with a copy of the duty order papers which indicate all required dates of leave. The employee will receive full compensation, in addition to military pay, for up to 15 scheduled work days of regular training or duty ordered per fiscal year.
Questions regarding military leave shall be directed to the Human Resources Office. If you need more information or have questions, contact HR/Benefits Team at (972) 599 - 3152.
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Benefits Homepage
Collin Higher Education Center
Human Resources Office
3452 Spur 399, Room #339
McKinney, TX 75069
Benefits Team
Main Line: (972) 599-3152
Christina Canales
HR Manager, Benefits
Phone (972) 599-3164
Fax (972) 599-3156
Tara Rice
HR Generalist, Benefits
Phone (972) 758-3849
Fax (972) 599-3156
tcrice@collin.eduMili Kim
HR Specialist, Benefits
Phone (972) 758-3886
Fax (972) 599-3156